The rise of post-fascism
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Over the past 15 years, a new type of far-right political current has emerged in Greece, as in many other countries around the world. The origins of this current can be traced to the convergence of existing far-right formations and a part of the patriotic left. This process began with the Movement of the Squares and the protests against the austerity measures of the “debt bailout” agreements (also known as “Memoranda”),[1] continued with the nationalist demonstrations against the Prespes Agreement,[2] and culminated in the movement of pandemic and vaccination denialism, which also attracted individuals and groups from the anti-authoritarian milieu.[3]
In our written interventions last year against this new reactionary current, we focused mainly on “individualistic irrationalism, of extreme right-wing or postmodern flavor”, as the ideological background of the convergence of the far right, on the one hand, and a part of the left and the anti-authoritarian milieu on the other. We examined how both sides reject modernity and Enlightenment altogether. We discussed the ideologically nationalist, reactionary opposition to “globalization” and “imperialism” as an element that inspires both wings. We argued that the fundamental position of … Read the rest